الأربعاء، 20 أغسطس 2008


It is an amazing thing what neglect does to people..You know when you see those couples or in families you see people being nasty to one another. I always used to wonder why? Why were they being so mean? There is a reason for it. They have been hurt or neglected....As a group of girls we sit and we discuss things...what has happened and why and we analayse.. We feel soo much better and there is a sense that everything has been resolved and then you can get on with your life....It is very easy to turn into the worst version of yourself...and a horrible thing as well...a person without work and without friends can quickly feel like she is losing her worth and credibility as a person and will begin projecting those thoughts on to other people....it is a horrible thing and not a nice thing to see happen to yourself or other people..And yet what can you do to combat this? I wondered about those mean girls...mean girls however get far in life and get the things they want...i hope at some point in the future justice will be served and that some form of compensation will be given by the universe.....my actual post probably makes no sense to people and yet i feel like i am already relasing some negative thoughts out and away.Hopefully cleansing some inner part of myself and helping me to return to the pleasant person I used to be.

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